
The Puck preview renders in a same-origin iframe that can be resized to simulate different viewports.

Default viewports

Puck provides 3 viewports by default:

  1. Small: 360px wide
  2. Medium: 768px wide
  3. Large: 1280px wide

Each of the default viewports have 100% height, filling the available space (via the auto height parameter).

Customizing viewports

Customizing the available viewports using the viewports API:

export function Editor() {
  return (
          width: 1440,
          height: "auto", // Optional height. Can be numeric or "auto". Defaults to "auto".
          label: "My Viewport", // Optional. Shown in tooltip.
          icon: <svg />, // Optional. Use lucide-icons to align with Puck UI.
      // ...

Opting out of iframes

Opt-out of iframe rendering by using the iframe API:

export function Editor() {
  return (
        enabled: false,
      // ...

This which will disable all viewport functionality.

Controlling viewports with custom interfaces

When implementing a custom interface, the viewports API will have no effect. Instead, the viewport size can be controlled by the dimensions of the wrapping element that contains <Puck.Preview />.

CSS transforms can be used to zoom the viewport without impacting drag-and-drop behaviour.

import { Puck } from "@measured/puck";
export function Editor() {
  return (
      <div style={{ transform: "scale(0.5)", width: 1280 }}>
        <Puck.Preview />
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